Hey kids! Do you know who Aqua Duck is? He is our local superhero working every day to protect our aquifer and drinking water.
5 Activities
- Read the adventures of Aqua Duck the Aquifer Defense Force! (Grades K-8)
- Think about important lessons Aqua Duck teaches us. (Grades 3-8)
- Enjoy the reading of an Aqua Duck comic book. (Grades K-8)
- Create a Zoom video of an Aqua Duck Adventure with your friends. (Grades 3-8)
- Send us the link to the video you created in Activity 5 for a chance to be featured on this website! (Grades 3-8)

Learn about the power of plants for helping water! We have plants to thank for the air we breathe, the shade provided on a hot summer day, habitat for wildlife, and for all the essential products that come from trees that we use every day. But, did you know that plants are also AMAZING water helpers?
3 Activities
- Erosion video and a do-it-yourself erosion experiment worksheet. (Grades 2-8)
- Stormwater activity page and Stormdrain Dan activity book for download. (Grades 3-8)
- Practice your understanding of statistics and probability. (Grades 5+)

What’s the tastiest way to learn about our sole source of drinking water, our Aquifer? Make an Edible Aquifer in a Cup with Elizabeth and Kristen. Or, get creative with other items from your home. Watch a video all about our aquifer, designed just for elementary students.
3 Activities
- Create a yummy aquifer in a cup with food you can eat. (K-6)
- Aquifer in a cup! Create an aquifer in a cup with items you already have in your kitchen. (K-6)
- Video: What is an aquifer? How can you help protect it? (K-3)

Spokane EnviroKids’ Club is a way for you to team up with other kids in Spokane County to explore all parts of the environment: air, water, weather, garbage & recycling, plants & animals, you and your environment. It is for children in Kindergarten through 6th grades who live in Spokane County.
3 Activities
- Join EnviroKids! Team up with other kids in Spokane County to explore all parts of the environment!
- Check out the newsletter! Check out the Summer 2020 EnviroKids’ 4 page newsletter.
- Explore the EnviroKids website! Explore the EnviroKids’ website for other newsletters and more.

This Booth will guide you through creating your own Aquifer Landscape masterpiece, in Activity 2 you can share your art with us!
2 Activities
- Create an aquifer landscape masterpiece! Follow the 7 steps in this activity to create a work of art.
- Share your masterpiece! We’d love to see a photo of your artistic accomplishment.

Discover more about Spokane’s air with Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency. At this booth, you’ll explore what causes air pollution and what you can do to help our air.
6 Activities
- Air monitoring and particle catchers! Discover how we measure air quality with air monitors, and create your own particle catcher.
- Follow along with Coco as we learn more about the air quality index.
- Nora & Wes activity book! Join Nora and Wes as they explore air quality in the northwest.
- Nora & Wes comic book! Nora and Wes are back in this comic book and they’re ready to investigate!
- Match the activity or item with either helping our air, or causing air pollution.
- Air quality scavenger hunt! Explore the air and see if you can find the items in this scavenger hunt.

Meet two scientists here in Spokane who are working to protect our water resources. Find out what they love about their jobs and what it took for them to launch their careers. Appropriate for middle and high school students.
2 Activities
- Meet Kim Cesal! Kim is a Hydrologic Technician with the US Geological Survey. (Grades 4-8)
- Meet Nicki Feiten! Nicki is a Water Resource Scientist with Spokane County Environmental Services. (Grades 4-8)

Students will not only learn where their garbage goes, but how they can make less of it by recycling right. Can electricity be generated from garbage? We do that here in Spokane. Booth courtesy of City of Spokane Solid Waste Department and the Spokane County Regional Solid Waste System.
4 Activities
- Video: Learn what types of waste can be recycled and what color bin each goes into.
- Trash and recycle match game! What type of trash goes into what color bin?
- In this activity you can turn your home into a paper mill and make new paper from old.
- Video: This will teach you all about how the Waste to Energy Plant works, and why we have it.

Worms eat the darndest things including our garbage! They are one of nature’s most active decomposers, but can also be harnessed to work indoors. Learn more about composting with worms to throw away less from Master Composters/Recyclers, a program of the Spokane County Solid Waste System.
2 Activities
- Worm video! Learn how worms help gardeners. (All Ages)
- Making a wormery! This activity will give you step-by-step instructions to make your own wormery. (All Ages)

Protecting and preserving our water resources is a long-term goal of the City and is part of our sustainability efforts.
2 Activities
- What’s your water footprint? Find out in this activity!
- The water cycle describes how Earth’s water is not only always changing forms but also moving on, above, and in the Earth.

New Activity!
Come learn about all things weather! This round of videos discuss air. How do we know it exists? How can we ‘see’ it? Why don’t we feel it? Come check us out, we will explore all these things!
5 Activities
- How do we know air exists? Let’s do an experiment to see!
- Can you see wind? Let’s do an experiment together!
- Air pressure! Did you know that air is pressing down on us all the time?
- Egg in a bottle! Can an egg get sucked into a bottle?
- NEW – Watch a video to learn about inversions!

Learn how pollution can get into groundwater, how our actions can affect drinking water, then build your own edible aquifer!
3 Activities
- Learn about where the Aquifer is located, how it gets water and how the river can be affected.
- Learn how the aquifer flows, provides drinking water, and how pollution can get into it.
- Build an edible aquifer! It’s your turn to make an aquifer you can eat. Yummm!

What is soil texture and why is it important? Investigate and learn about soil and make a painting with soil at the end.
3 Activities
- Soil texture! What is it and why is it important?
- Soil science journal! Try some soils investigations using this fun journal.
- Soils painting! Use the color and texture of soil to make paintings.

New Booth!
Learn about different science methods from students and Whitworth University!
13 Activities
- Cats and their Coats
- Kingdoms of the Environment
- Defining Gravity
- 3…2…1…Puff!!
- How Light Waves Travel
- Energy Resources
- Earth’s Water: A Drop in your Cup
- All About Erosion
- What Shapes Our Land? Exploring Weathering and Erosion!
- How are Mountains Formed
- What Do Rocks Tell Us About Earth’s History
- Carbon Footprints
- Marshmallow Molecules

New Booth!
Learn about how to make delicious flavored water!
2 Activities
- Flavored Water Video
- Flavored Water Recipe PDF